Chapter 1. Brilliant New Idea
Once outside, you find yourself in a lush, new world. That sweet scent in the air has grown even stronger. As your eyes adjust to the sunlight, you see that the bright green of towering plants and trees has grown even brighter. You look around you and spot the Fox across a small clearing, struggling to pull what looks like an acorn basket out of the bushes.
You walk over to the Fox and say, “Excuse me, but where are we?” The startled Fox stops suddenly and looks up at you, but then just smiles and continues to work on untangling the basket from the bushes. You walk closer to The Fox and pull at a branch to help. “And how did I get here?” you ask. Without an answer...
You walk over to The Fox and say, ‘Who are you?’ The startled Fox stops suddenly and looks up at you, but then just smiles and continues to work on untangling the basket from the bushes. You walk closer to The Fox and pull at a branch to help. ‘Excuse me, but where are we?’ you ask, as you pull on one side of the basket. ‘And how did I get here?’ Without an answer, The Fox, who is still smiling, finally manages to free the basket from the shrubs. As it emerges, a large parachute balloon, attached to the basket by several thin white strings, floats gently up into the air, revealing a mosaic of the brightest colors imaginable in the shapes of diamonds. ‘Wow, I’ve never seen such a colorful thing before,’ you exclaim! The Fox points to the parachute and speaks.
‘Close your eyes and dream with me,’ says The Fox. ‘This colorful parachute is made of music.... and it can take us on a journey to a land of Brilliant New Ideas.’ (Brilliant New Idea)
‘But where are we?’ you ask again. The Fox looks around and shrugs. ‘Let’s find out,’ it says, signaling to the acorn basket.
You take a deep breath and climb into the basket with The Fox. Once you are both inside, The Fox closes its eyes and begins to hum quietly. You watch for a while, and then close your own eyes and listen. First, you just hear the sound of your own breathing, and you start to relax, taking deeper and longer breaths. And then the sounds around you become clearer and louder, more symphonic.
Amidst the rustling of leaves and grass and the distant babble of water, you begin to hear another faint sound, the sound of a marimbol and guitarra. And all at once you hear a gentle wind in your ears, and feel it blow cool air against your cheek, as the basket slowly lifts off of the ground. The sounds around you have turned into music. When you open your eyes, you discover that you are in the air. The music is fueling the parachute, and the basket is flying!
As you float higher into the sky, you start to look around, and suddenly you begin to recognize the plants and trees around you. ‘There’s something familiar about this,’ you think. And then you realize where you are. You can hardly believe it… you are in your own garden! But that garden has grown huge and tall, stretching as far as the eye can see.
The garden looks so majestic from above. But you can see it all now -- the familiar rows of plants as big as a forest, the colorful flower beds stretching far into the horizon, the large vines of shiny purple, yellow and red off in the distance, and the pond as big as an ocean. ‘How can this be?’ you wonder.